
Hi All,

Thanks for dropping by our humble blogshop.

We are a collaboration of 3 brothers and 2 sisters. You can call us "The Party Staff". We are the founder of "The Party Stuff", which is a small home based party shop located in Shah Alam, Selangor.

Should you have any question, please feel free to drop us an email at thepartystuff@gmail.com or call The Party Staff at 012-3453385.

Thank you and Happy Browsing!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Balloon Service

1. Loose Balloon - Can be used for chairs/ceilings or corner decorations.

<500 pieces = RM3.30 each >500 pieces = RM3.10 each

<500 pieces = RM3.00 each >500 pieces = RM2.80 each

Foil Balloon: RM10 each

Service charge imposed to tie to chairs/delivery.

2. Balloon Sculpting/Twisting - Activity suitable for babies or kids less than 2 years age.

1 hour service = RM150
2 hour service = RM250

Balloons included.


  1. Zam, if I want to order balloons that are readily sculpted into shapes can? Basically balloons yg dah siap2 shaped into animals or whatever. If can, how much? And filled with helium boleh ke? Thought of buying some for my niece's and nephew's birthday next month. Let me know ya? Thanks!

  2. Nad, sculpted balloons guna air pump jek. So, tak thn lama and x cantik kalo buat in advance. Helium is only for normal round balloons.
